If paying by credit card (which is the fastest way to order), you can order directly from our website by clicking on Add To Card
next to each item. The information below is only if you are paying by cheque or money order.If paying by money order, click HERE for important information. |
1 |
Fill out the order form. (Canada
or USA or Other Countries) |
2 |
Make cheque / money order payable to: Bunch Of Fun |
3 |
Send the order form and payment to: |
Bunch Of Fun PO Box 12 Beaconsfield, QC H9W 5T6 Canada |
If paying by cheque, please allow 14 days for it to clear.Click HERE for approximate shipping times. If you give us an email address, we will
notify you when your order ships. |
Thank you for your order ! |
Feel free to contact us anytime with your comments, questions or even suggestions for new products. |