Bunch Of Fun Mascot - rubber stamps


Clear Stamps

Flowers & Dolphins

Rubber Stamps



Big Alphabet Sets


Chinese Zodiac Set

Cyrillic Alphabet Set

Double-Sided Sets


Jasmine Becket


Selina Fenech

Small Alphabets


* Bargain Bin *

Ink Pads

Craft Ink Pads




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Bounty Program





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Is your brain exploding with creative ideas? Hungry for cash? The Bunch Of Fun Bounty Program is here for you. Send us suggestions for new products, if we use them you'll get paid cash. It's that simple.


  • Using your brain and life skills, come up with a suggestion for rubber stamps that you think would sell here at Bunch Of Fun. Browse our current selection to understand the kinds of products we already carry.
  • If your idea is for a tool or other product for scrapbooking, rubber stamping or general crafts then the reward is much larger. We pay a 10% lifetime royalty. We'll notify you if your idea falls in this category.
  • If we decide to use your suggestion, you'll receive a US$50 Gift Certificate or $25 in CASH.
  • What we are looking for are specific suggestions for products/designs, not general suggestions like "More Halloween rubber stamps"
  • If you send us complete artwork that we end up using, you'll receive an additional US$50 Gift Certificate or $25 in CASH.
  • Read the important FAQ below (Frequently Asked Questions)


Email address:






My Brilliant Idea:

If you have artwork you can email it to:


FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

  1. Can you tell me what awesome idea I should submit?
    No, but here are some quick pointers:

    - Don't send us something that's already been done.
    - Bounce the idea off your friends.
    - Don't use any copyrighted terms, character names, company names or logos, etc.
    - Take your idea and figure out how to make it better. Then send us that one.
  2. What Kind Of Artwork can I send?
    First of all, artwork is not required to submit a product suggestion. You only need to send artwork if you have artwork skills and the design requires artwork. Sending us a file that has your suggestion using just a font does not constitute artwork. Do not send us hi-res artwork. We initially only accept artwork less than 400kb. Please send it in JPG or GIF format. If we decide to use your suggestion and also your artwork, we will contact you with more details.
  3. Who can submit an idea?
    Anyone, anywhere unless it's prohibited by law.
  4. How long will this bounty program last?
    Hopefully forever but we may terninate it at any time. If we do end it, ideas previously submitted and used will of course be paid for.
  5. What criteria do you use to select a winning idea ?
    This is a difficult question to answer. Mostly because there is no absolute way we decide on product ideas. Sometimes we pontificate in groups. Other times alone. It changes day to day. Ideas that are subtle are preferred to overt or obnoxious ideas and designs. Ideas that are timely are preferred to ideas that are stale. Ideas that relate to the kinds of things Bunch Of Fun would carry are obviously extremely important. To be blunt, good ideas are the best and bad ones the worst. And our best advice to you is to refine your idea before hastily sending it off to us. And also bounce it off some of your friends first. Don't ask your Mom, she'll always tell you your ideas are outstanding :)
  6. When Will I Know If You Picked My Idea?
    Glad you asked. Unfortunately you will only hear back from us IF we decide to choose your idea. And that could be anywhere from a few days to several months depending on various circumstances.
  7. If You Choose My Idea, How Long Will It Be Before I get Paid?
    Within 30 days of your idea being available on our website for sale. Please note that our rubber stamp products can take several months to produce due to production schedules.
  8. If You Choose My Idea, How Will I Get paid?
    We will send you a cheque or use Paypal, whatever you prefer. Should we choose your idea, we will contact you via email and/or phone in order to determine where to make payment.
  9. I don't want Cash, I want a Bunch Of Fun Gift Certificate instead!
    Not a problem. Just tell us that when we contact you if we've chosen your idea. In fact, if you want a Gift Certificate instead of cash, we'll give you $50 instead of $25.
  10. You Made A Rubber Stamp I Suggested And Never Paid Me!
    The staff here at Bunch Of Fun internally have generated hundreds of product ideas over the years. You may have suggested an idea we've already been sitting on. Also, somebody else might have suggested the idea first. We are not pirates. We designed this program so that you can get paid because that would make you happy and you'll probably tell your friends how happy you are and that would make us happy and the whole world would be a happy place. If your suggestion is original to us and was the first sent in - you will get paid. Scout's honor.

Please contact our Webmaster with questions or comments about this website.

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